Good Morning Everyone!
Now that summer is upon us it's time for all aspiring artists to schedule some time to develop their skills and take it outside to capture the beauty of the Chaleur Region.
From August 9th- 12th the Bay Breeze Art Gallery is hosting Martha Robinson to teach an all new plein air watercolor class.
This will be an opportunity to build landscape painting skills in a watercolor workshop that combines in-class exercises and demonstrations with on location painting. Topics covered will include tackling skies, structure for trees and foliage, tips for mixing greens, incorporating buildings. Color handouts will be provided for demonstration topics.
Martha Robinson graduated in 1984 from what is now the Ontario College of Art and Design in Toronto, Canada. Her passion for drawing and painting rural landscapes, and domestic animals was firmly established in her youth. She is very much at home in Northunberland County where she now lives, painting from life the animals and landscapes that surround her. Since 1993, Martha has exhibited her work in Canada, and the United States in many juried shows, and private and public gallelries. Martha teaches watercolour at a number of community colleges in Ontario.
Course cost is $300 for the 4 days and materials will be available for sale at the Bay Breeze Gallery if you require any that are on the list that you do not already have. A $50 deposit is required upon registration.
For more information or to register please contact:
Adrienne Elfner-Hazen at 548-2160