Tuesday, May 22, 2012

June Art Workshop Weekends at the Bay Breeze Art Gallery

New Art Classes at the Bay Breeze Art Gallery                                                                      
Birch in Fall - Water Colour

Water Colour Weekend - June 9th and 10th from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

This is a course for beginners to the wonderful medium of water and paint.  You will learn the basic terms, materials, and techniques to successfully work in this manner.  Water colour is a medium that is easily transportable from outside to indoors with minimum effort.  A great way to enjoy your holidays no matter where you may be.  Cost is $120
Materials are available at the gallery.

Opera - Acrylic, and collage on tissue paper

Sea Grass - Acrylic, sand and gesso

 Acrylic Weekend - June 23rd and 24th, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 

This is a course for people who would like to explore the medium of acrylic paint while reaching outside the box, to use acrylic mediums now used in modern contemporary art making with such additives as glass, sand, gesso, and collage.  This course will allow you to be totally creative and we will not be copying greeting cards, or paintings of other artists.  Cost of course is $120 for the weekend.  Materials are available for sale at the galllery.

To register call the Bay Breeze Art Gallery at 506-546-6937 or
Adrienne Elfner-Hazen at 506-548-2160.